Excessive thirst.
Drowsiness, feeling of being very tired.
Frequent need to urinate and large volumes of urine.
Hot, dry skin.
Blurred vision.
Smell of acetone (nail polish remover) on the breath.
If unsure if the casualty has low or high blood sugar always treat for low blood sugar.
High blood sugar requires immediate expert medical treatment – call 000 for an ambulance urgently.
Confused or aggressive.
Slurred speech.
Profuse sweating.
Tingling around the mouth and lips.
Rapid pulse.
Shaking or seizures.
Tiredness or weakness.
Call 000 for an ambulance.
If conscious give the casualty:
- 150mls of sweet drink OR
- 2 – 4 teaspoons of sugar or honey OR
- 5 – 7 jelly beans.
Repeat if casualty does not improve after 5 – 10 minutes.
On recovery and once the casualty is alert; encourage them to eat foods high in carbohydrates e.g. 2 – 4 dry biscuits, a sandwich, a glass of milk.
If unconscious but breathing normally place casualty on their side in the recovery position and monitor their airway, breathing and circulation.
DO NOT attempt to give a casualty an insulin injection unless you are trained to do so.
DO NOT give the casualty anything by mouth if unconscious, this may block the airway.
DO NOT give the casualty a diet drink, it has no sugar value and will not assist.